My Pagerank is back!

My google page-rank is back today. Some days ago I moved that blog to the new domain ( I’ve placed a .htaccess redirect Rewrite Rule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] to the old domain to preserve some humble SEO result of this page. But for some weeks new Blog had no page-rank. Now he is here and the effect of Permanent redirect on google is proved!

January 14, 2009 · 1 min · Alexander Holbreich

DIGG Effect is worth it?

Eric Enge has wrote very good article about success on digg. Some of the details he presents are maybe not true anymore because DIGG evolves and changes internal algorithms. However, some facts are really interesting. As he says, stories that were able to reach the DIGG home page receive an average of 129 links, and more than 10,000 visitors in an hour. Some stories have brought even more than 1,000 links and 100,000 visitors....

March 10, 2008 · 2 min · Alexander Holbreich

Success factors in social (News) communities

Initially, I just wanted to report about some experience on Crowd news platform - DIGG, but then i noticed that I try to cover at least two different topics in one post, so I decided to split. In that article, I will cover key factors of success on news-driven social communities like well-known DIGG and will cover my first serious steps with DIGG in the next article. Currently, I’m the number 49 of top users of the Russian DIGG sister RDS1, therefore I think to have some experience and some kind of instinctive feeling for mechanisms in such communities....

March 6, 2008 · 4 min · Alexander Holbreich

Category vs Tag

Since Wordpress official introduced tags, there is a question what to do with categories? I think that tags are very flexible and also somehow naturally to use, you don’t have to think very carefully which should be taken, and which was used before, you just tag it with firs you get in mind. Tagging or labeling is something natural to humans. Everybody has normally meanings about things in his near environment, we used to label every thing, even then when we don’t really understand them....

February 2, 2008 · 3 min · Alexander Holbreich

Subdomains vs. Subdirectories

I’m not SEO guru, but that topic lies naturally in my interest because I’m admin of several websites. I noticed that one on of my friends[^1] loves to use the sub domains for his projects. It is wisely semantically, but is not so in every his project is i think :). The Question here is how “Google & Friends” :) treats sub-domains and how it treats sub-directories? In best case you get the answer from Google at selves....

January 24, 2008 · 3 min · Alexander Holbreich

"NoFollow" considered harmful

“nofollow” Background The rel="nofollow" html attribute was initially proposed by google and was supported by MSN and Yahoo! The intention was to stem spam-links, that can largely occur in some webpages, especially blog comments. The famous blog engines founded that idea very cool and most of them are setting the nofollow attribute out of the box. WordPress does it by default too. But like many of good-mentioned ideas can lead to some not wanted problems....

February 3, 2007 · 3 min · Alexander Holbreich