OSGi Bundles: Declarative Services
Understanding of OSGi and OSGi Bundles and Declarative Services
Understanding of OSGi and OSGi Bundles and Declarative Services
Overview on Oracle jdk console tools
How to repair architecture bug when JPA entities are leaking to Frontend
Linux Samba Service configuration to be used by Windows clients
Building Eclipse Rich Client Application automatically (Tycho)
Looking back through my block i found my post about extracting archives. Now it’s time to continue here with the How to put files into archives. “tar.gz” with tar Here is some common way to create your archives. #Creates simple targetfile.tar without compression. Will include everything in the current dir "." tar cvf targetfile.tar ./* #Zip everything beneath current dir to targetfile.tar.gz tar cvzf targetfile.tar.gz ./* #Bzip2 everything beneath current dir to targetfile....
This is a short step-by-step setup guide for JBoss 7.0.2 on Linux ((Debian). Nowadays there is still no official Debian package for JBoss 7 out there, so we have to do a couple of steps manually. 1. download and prepare Start by download the currently available version (7.0.2) of the JBoss 7. #Web Profile version download. wget http://download.jboss.org/jbossas/7.0/jboss-as-7.0.2.Final/jboss-as-web-7.0.2.Final.tar.gz Extracting files to the final location using tar. tar zxvf jboss-as-web-7.0.2.Final.tar.gz -C /usr/local/ Now your JBoss 7 is placed inside /usr/local/jboss-as-web-7....
How to install java 7 on your Linux. Below you will find Oracle (former Sun) java 7 installed on Debian Linux At the moment there is no official debian (and linux at all) package (de) for java 7 and apt-get is not working for us, like previously with open jdk. Firstly we have to download the latest java from oracle site and then extract it. wget http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/7/jdk-7-linux-x64.tar.gz tar zxvf jdk-7-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /usr/lib64/jvm/ Then we have to do some configuration....
What is your favorite Free or Open-Source UML Plug-in? Every year I try some of them and remove them after few hours. As I remember, they were resource-hungry or just bad in reverse engineering Some weeks ago i tried ObjectAid UML Explorer Class Diagram and liked it. It could quickly and easily create simple class Diagrams - just by Drag & Drop. And I had no problems with static constructors or inner classes and other stuff in the code which causes problems to other Plug-ins....
The chart shows how the Ubuntu boot process is going on my 5 years old Thinkpad T60. Bootchart utility does such charts automatically. If you are interesting in how easy it is to enable such bootcharting read below. Installing bootchart You need bootchart and pybootchartgui apt-get install bootchart apt-get install pybootchartgui That will automatically add bootchart logger to your grub configuration. Restart your machine and look for an image file in /var/log/bootchart directory....