A year where Ive sunk in my Online Shot StartUp…

Excerpt from 2009:

Look like it was Magento year. Also it was quite productive year in a sense of writing blogposts, but revisioning them in 2015 i’ve considered some of them to be very outdated and not understandable anymore. So some post of 2009 are deleted again ;)


Articles published in the year 2008 Learned to find topics, to write. I’ve deleted the most form that time later ;)

Some highlights in 2008:

Looks like the year 2008 was a very productive blogging year, with experiments in writing, themes, and social media…

But revising this in 2015, I’ve also found some articles so much out of context that I’ve decided to delete some of them.


Articles published in the year 2007 … the year where the history of this blog has begun..

Some highlights:


I had first versions of this site not as blog engine. Starting from 2003/4? Just played around with HTML and hosting basics at that time.