Software RAID on Debian Linux

Today i will share some thought on software RAID under linux with you. Sometimes you need to store data relative save and high available. That is where RAID solutions come in to play. Especially RAID 1 (mirroring) based solutions provide better availability of your data. But don’t forget to use backups anyway :) Some days ago i installed RAID 1 on Debian Lenny (amd64 arch) without any troubles for now. <UPD Dez 2015: Here missing reference to initial tutorial from Jerry> The Partitions used in the RAID /dev/md0/ should both enable boot flag if you want to boot from RAID....

January 11, 2010 · 6 min · Alexander Holbreich

Unpacking archives with tar, gzip, bzip2, z

Sometimes there is a need to extract some files on the Linux console. Below you’ll find a list of the most common methods for that. tar Tar archives are the most common way of distributing bundles of files under Linux or UNIX. The .tar file represents a bundle of files packaged with GNU tar program. To extract such files use: tar xf somearchive.tar tar xvf somearchive.tar Provide option f if you want to extract the content of files....

February 1, 2009 · 4 min · Alexander Holbreich

How to duplicate magento installation

In this article I explain how to create a copy of the running Magento online shop system. One of the purposes of having duplicates is e.g. the need of the separation of the developing an test environment. Tests are very important. Especially in Magento ;) Many people do official Magento upgrades on productive environments and suffer from it. You don’t need to do so, use always test environment first! So the copy process of Magento shop has following main steps...

January 29, 2009 · 4 min · Alexander Holbreich

Found solution for Magento - 'SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error' on installation

I wrote already in the past about Magento eCommerce System. I’ve been playing with Magento until now. Unfortunately, I had some problems with the installation and I could not find any help on the web. Therefore invested time and finally figured it out for myself, maybe this post can help someone using Magento too. The Problem Every time during the installation of Magento shop I saw the following exception: Error in file: "....

January 4, 2009 · 2 min · Alexander Holbreich

W-Popularity Plug-In

New Wordpress plug-in is born. I’ve created a new branch from the latest version of famous Popularity Contest Plugin. While the Popularity Contest Plugin does not support widgets natively, you need to code your templates to show most popular list of post on the Sidebar. My Widgetized Popularity Contest Plugin - short W-Popularity solves that, by providing dynamically widget for it. Here are the features of the first public version of my W-Popularity Plugin:...

February 16, 2008 · 1 min · Alexander Holbreich

Mark Meta widget with "nofollow"

Due SEO considerations it is not recommended (e.g. by Matt Cutts) to spend precious page rank on links like log-in, register forms, rss pages and other meta stuff. One should mark them as nofollow and that is one example where nofollow attribute can be turned in something useful. Nearly every Wordpress blog would have something like Meta section in the sidebar, every link there should be marked as nofollow. Unfortunately they are not coded in one widget, they are distributed over two files in the standard wordpress installation....

February 15, 2008 · 2 min · Alexander Holbreich

Wordpress 2.3.3 fixes XML-RPC bug

Please upgrade your Wordpress blog as sun as possible to the released version 2.3.3, because there are security reasons for it. Further check the content of your posts in the code perspective, because maybe it was changed by some intruders, which have possibly used XML-RCP Bug in the Wordpress version 2.3.2. … A flaw was found in our XML-RPC implementation such that a specially crafted request would allow any valid user to edit posts of any other user on that blog....

February 5, 2008 · 2 min · Alexander Holbreich

Category vs Tag

Since Wordpress official introduced tags, there is a question what to do with categories? I think that tags are very flexible and also somehow naturally to use, you don’t have to think very carefully which should be taken, and which was used before, you just tag it with firs you get in mind. Tagging or labeling is something natural to humans. Everybody has normally meanings about things in his near environment, we used to label every thing, even then when we don’t really understand them....

February 2, 2008 · 3 min · Alexander Holbreich

Subdomains vs. Subdirectories

I’m not SEO guru, but that topic lies naturally in my interest because I’m admin of several websites. I noticed that one on of my friends[^1] loves to use the sub domains for his projects. It is wisely semantically, but is not so in every his project is i think :). The Question here is how “Google & Friends” :) treats sub-domains and how it treats sub-directories? In best case you get the answer from Google at selves....

January 24, 2008 · 3 min · Alexander Holbreich

My Top 10 Wordpress Plug-ins I won't miss

Here is the list of Wordpress plug-ins, that i personally don’t wanna miss ony every Wordpress installation. My Top 10 Wordpress Plug-Ins Askimet DoFollow GoogleAnalytics GoogleXMLSitemaps Instant Upgrade Simple Database Backup Simple Trackback Validation Similar Posts 404-Notifier Share-This-Classic or similar Social book-marker Details Askimet should be nothing new for every blogger. DoFollow. I see often that bloggers are to lazy with “nofollow” problem. “nofollow” attributes should be used wisely Read why....

December 27, 2007 · 2 min · Alexander Holbreich